Change Your Car's Air Filter

How to Change Your Cars Air Filter

We have all been there before while getting our vehicle’s oil changed and the mechanic shows you how filthy your air filter is and recommends replacing it. Even though you might not be ready to tackle car maintenance jobs like changing your oil or replacing spark plugs to change your car’s air filter is an easy job that you CAN do. By learning how to change your car’s air filter you will be saving yourself some money and a sense of accomplishment.

Your vehicle’s air filter makes sure that clean air reaches your engine. Clear air is critical for your vehicle to run efficiently. With no air filter or a dirty one, the air induction system would become full of bugs, leaves, dirt, and other debris and can damage your engine. When your air filter gets dirty, it will prevent the proper amount of clean air from reaching the engine which will lead to bigger problems. If the air filter becomes dirty you may notice poor engine performance or lack of power, reduced gas mileage or your Check Engine light might come on.

If you notice any of these problems, the top on your list of troubleshooting ideas should be to check your engine’s air filter. It’s a good practice to have this checked out every oil change. The engine air filter should be changed annually or every 12,000 miles. If the area you live in is dusty you should check frequently and change regularly. By keeping your air filter clean it will keep your engine free of dirt.

Replacing your air filter with a high-quality air filter will ensure maximum engine performance.

Step-by-Step Instructions on how to change your cars air filter

Step One

Open the hood of your car and find the engine air filter housing. It will be in a black plastic box that sits on top of or to the side of your engine. You will see a large hose sticking out of the side.

Step Two

Open your air filter housing box and take out the old air filter. Use caution when removing the housing cover as it might have wiring and electrical components attached to it. The air filter housing can be fastened together with screws, clips, clamps, or wing nuts. To open the air filter housing, remove the fasteners, remove the top of the air filter housing, and take out the air filter. Use a rag to remove any dirt or debris that is in the black housing box.

Step Three

It is now time to inspect the old engine air filter to make sure that it is indeed dirty and needs to be replaced. Look inside the pleats, if you see a lot of dirt, it is time to change your car’s air filter. You can also tap the filter and if dirt falls out, your air filter is past its prime and needs to be replaced.

Change Your Cars Air Filter

Step Four

Place the new engine air filter in the black filter box. You will insert the new air filter with the rubber rim facing up. Ensure that it is seated correctly within the housing area.

Step Five

Now you will put the top of the housing back on and put the fasteners back in. THAT’S IT! You have successfully changed your car’s air filter and saved a bunch of money doing it yourself.

How to Change Your Cars Air Filter Conclusion

You might not be ready to tackle more intense car maintenance jobs but now you can say you know how to change your car’s air filter. If you are having car problems and you ruled out it’s not your car’s air filter- Contact Speed Wrench! We have been the leader in mobile repair service in West Michigan since 1989 and offer full service Auto Repair Services!